afafa blog mens

De Mens: Gevangen in Illusies, Gedreven door Macht en Moraal


  1. Malinowski, B. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
  2. Nietzsche, F. (1887). Zur Genealogie der Moral.
  3. Tomasello, M. (2016). A Natural History of Human Morality.
  4. Haidt, J. (2012). The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion.
  5. Lieberman, D., & Long, M. (2018). The Molecule of More.
  6. Freud, S. (1930). Das Unbehagen in der Kultur.
  7. Simler, K., & Hanson, R. (2018). The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life.

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